Friday, February 26, 2010

Europa Poets' Gazette No. 71, March 2010

Pervasive Power
The pervasive power of the rich,
The pervasive power of those who hold
status and degrees;
The pervasive power of those with a facade of class, acquired without toil or effort,
Where a person of this social pack
Is often placed at the top,
Whilst those without pervasive power
Will be designated to a mediocre and invidious job
By those with a facade of smiles,
The pervasive people with power.
Ideas Wrongly Attributed
Often, inconsequential persons’
Ideas are surreptitiously stolen
and the Creator’s name altered.
Inconsequential persons
are never credited as the creators
of original ideas.
© Judy Brumby-Lake
Golden Goodbye
I watch the setting sun shimmer on the water -
Layers of molten gold, appliquéd on green velvet,
And I remember how you adored gold -
You were always swathed in it from head to toe.
Now, your dust scatters in the summer breeze,
Setting on the gold you loved so much.
© June Maureen Hitchcock December 2009

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