Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Europa Poets' Gazette No. 75, July 2010

I’m drifting along in plasma without the need for muscles,
though having to be careful to dodge those white
This is such a grand life, as I just bob-bob along,
to now and then divide in two, there’s nothing could go wrong.
I say, here comes a mate of mine, it’s good old E. coli.
He’s looking very healthy, but then, so too am I.
We’re so happy in this blood stream, we’re verging on
Hi - ho! here comes another friend, my good old pal
We can hold a grand reunion of bio terrorists,
this has to be the pinnacle of germ world’s
Mount Everest!
But wait! What is that up ahead? It looks like antibiotics!
I haven’t had a touch of that, since I was in the tropics.
Strewth! There goes me mate E. coli, it took him real quick,
and now poor ole diphtheria is looking mighty sick.
Just when life was coming good, I’m faced with mortal fear
Oooh! That stuff has got me too, and I reckon I’m a goner ’ere!
© Pete Stratford 2.3.10

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