Thursday, November 19, 2009

Breaking It Down
The road we travel on,
It’s paved with memories
I try not to leave behind.
We’ve come a long way,
From the awkward silences,
And blank stares.
Life is bliss,
Every day is sunny and bright,
We feel on top of the world.
Nothing could possibly break our spirits,
At least,
That’s what we act like.
But for some reason,
There’s always a small doubt in our minds;
I choose to ignore mine.
Then one day,
It happens,
The perfect reality becomes a shattered illusion.
Both happiness and closure take a hike,
And just like that,
They vanish.
We pretend to move on in our lives,
Act like everything's the same,
We fool everyone except ourselves.
I walk through crowded streets,
Past all our old hangouts,
And all I do is hurt.
© Samantha Colombari, Burnie High School
Hear the cry, girl,
As a gull call drifts
in echo across silent air,
Cherish it,
This tribute to youth’s energy,
For ageing eyes speak,
And wanton memory
walks summer days, long,
Dreams still lived,
Of brushed hands
and a fixed glance
that mouths aching words;
Hear the cry but a second,
And then forget.
© Michael Garrad October 2009

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