Thursday, November 19, 2009

Efficient Combustion
Our lights winked out so fast,
I'd grown accustomed to your warm song.
Your dusty prints
Around my spaces.
There's no proof, no record,
You're the dream -
These fading scents of filmy presence -
All the little whirlpools when my plug is pulled.
You swim now, on my ocular edge,
Distant with blur and
Sea salt to lash
Those horizons that we set,
It isn't hard to see,
We just –
Ran out of fuel.
© Andrew Hardy
To make it up to you
I close my eyes and
I'll touch the endless
source of all want;
desire to be entirely
complete with the
after-image imprinted
when I open my eyes
Slowly, to hold as
long as it will linger,
Perfect in shadows
hiding in your eyes,
until you laugh
Again, with me.
© Chris Rattray

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