Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tasmanian Europa Poets' Gazette No. 97

Hot Stuff

I’m not that keen on summer, you know.
I almost prefer to have frost and snow.
The only good thing about summer for me,
I can roam the house in my shortie nightie!
I hang clothes on the line in my nightie so    fine,
But I have to wear clothes when we go out to
Then I eat like a horse and sweat like a pig!
What a pity that nighties are so infra dig!

© Vi Woodhouse

Finding His Way Across

Finding his way across
Lands near and far;
Drawing power from the sun
And the most distant star.
Carried along by the wind;
Nourished by the rain,
Filled with scent from flowers,
Birdsong and all of nature’s
Sweet refrain brings forth memories
Inspired by wishes and dreams,
Imagination is woven
In mysterious colours and seams.

© Cathy Weaver

Towards The Morning

Towards the morning,
pink fingers intrude the night,
prising the horizon

Nothing new today. Grey.
Early fog and drizzle,
and rain in the afternoon -
as though we might have spoken yesterday,
any day, when the sun was smiling.
As if we would.

© Kate Ahearne

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